part 81: Athena’s Arrow

FINALLY! At long last, volume 11 is complete and so we have almost everything ready for volume 14 to come. It’s been a LONG time in the making, and I swear we began working on this all the way back when the batch first came out in the magazine, so it’s a huge load off our shoulders to get this done. Immediate plans are catching up on Sho asap, and figure out how are we even going to release volume 9, as well as remaking volume 10 in higher quality, so any help is welcomed. You can contact us on mangadex or via our Discord in case you’re interested in helping.

But anyway, for now just enjoy part 81!

part 81 Athena’s Arrow

Kamen Rider Decade – Oneshot

We’re jumping on the anniversary hype train… half a year late.

Well, this is a thing that I decided to do on my own, so here it is. This is the long lost promotional oneshot featured in Tele Manga Heroes from way back when Decade began in 2009. The only thing more complicated to find than this is the long lost promotional manga for All Riders VS. Dai Shocker, but hopefully I’ll find it one day… Or maybe someone has it?
Anyway, yes, here Decade passes by because… well, that’s what he does, at least in this manga. I guess. Hmh.

Kamen Rider Decade – Tele Manga Heroes Promotional OneShot